Tuesday, August 11, 2009
i'm sorry.
cyeo tried smiling at
8:40 PM
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
with all the crap going on now i seriously dont need this shit.
i guess you were too in your own world to realise what was going on with me. it doesn't matter does it? we dont matter much anyways.
sometimes i just wished you could pull me out of all this and just bring me to your side.
now come on, come on to this tragic affair...staying up later and later cos i dont want the new day to start. you being there makes everything better. but sometimes i really want you to just hate me. cant you just do that for me? i'm really selfish. yeah. i am. i'm sorry. i love lying. it's what i do best. i hate lying. i do it too well. i've always wished you could be the only one who could see past the lies. ohwells. i still love you anyways. but only when you say you really hate me. is the time when i'll tell you, i love you.and you can take all the pain away from me.i thought the hug would make it all better. it didnt. i cant see other people's flaws pass my own so they dont really exist here. so what if you're greater? well, at least u say you are. does that really affect me? if you havn't noticed everyone's looking at your flaws right now. i guess we never thought this would happen right? What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?and you. stop it already would you? i'm only doing this just cos they said to give it a 7th try. yes 7th. i'm not listening to any of my own just cos they told me i should never give up. and i would have never stopped that easily anyway. i'll just see where He wants to take me to.dont just walk away from the choice you made.on a happier note, i'm almost halfway through my eom.
you know that i'll always love you right? no matter how much you poke fun at me. no matter what you say or do. as long as you're still here. i'll never give you away. i'm sorry but your fav colour was given to someone else.i need a break from escaping homework.
cyeo tried smiling at
12:43 AM
Saturday, July 25, 2009
10 times. you said it 10 times tonight. it'd be nice if you could
if only i could find out what u're thinking.
if only you knew how right you were.it's not over tonight.
it never was.
cyeo tried smiling at
11:43 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
wooooo!!~ exam over! results are back and full of shit.haha!!! :)))))
okayokay i so need to work harder... OHWELLS!
cos i want to feel as much pain as i caused you.it's like you're my other heart since i share everything single thing with you.EVERY.SINGLE.THING. no matter whether you're gonna like it or not.could you do the same for me?i wished i could be your other heart.now, wont you throw some shit to me?somehow, you'll never understand that that's what i always wanted.i feel like screaming to your face that i'm talking to YOU.prompting and baiting doesnt work.maybe direct approach would?lifes getting crappy in school.
i wished i had my darhling in class with me... :((((
it's just not the same anymore. haha oms. i'm like so much much quieter in class now. and so much less active/retarded.
DOUBLE DATE ON WEDNESDAY!!!!hahaha! my ganstah boyfriend and i along with eugene and his BOYFRIEND. LOL!!!!!
4M!!! dont wear blazer for founders okay!!! wooooooooooo~ we're gonna see everyone again.
wells... it's not much of a post but it's still a post.... ohwells.
i STILL hate you.i think you think i'm thinking of someone else.
but i think you're thinking of someone else.
we're just screwed this way.
cyeo tried smiling at
9:23 PM
Saturday, July 04, 2009
if it was your smile i fell for,
how can i hide it?
how can i make it mine?
if that smile wasn't for me,
can i let it go
and accept it wasn't meant to be mine?
cyeo tried smiling at
9:25 PM
Friday, July 03, 2009
omg terms are finally over. 1 word for it.SCREWED.omg... i'm really praying i dont fail everything. .___. =(((haha freak i got sick on like... the second day of terms. went to the docs and told him i was like having fever, flu, cough, headache (FREAK HEADACHE) and it's like... almost all the symptoms of being a swine lah. ohwellls! but it's not swine!!! WOOTS! docs gave me like. 2 days mc. so i ponned econs test and like... I DUNNO WHY I WENT FOR PHYSICS TERMS OMGGGG.... I SHOULD HAVE PONNED ITTTT OMGGG. I BLANKED OUT WHEN I SAW THE QS LAHHH. =(((((((thats besides the point. i'm gonna fail physics and gary's gonna have my freaking head. rawrh.OKAY PUTTING TERMS ASIDE.
DURIAN PARTY!!! hahahahaha!!! OMG LOOK AT GREEDY RAYNER!!! HE CANT WAIT TILL WE GET TO LUCAS HOUSE SO HE JUST TOOK A SEED AND ATE IT ON THE SPOT! haha! ohwells we freaking spent 80+ bucks on durian lah! just the four of us - me, lucas, wee and rayner.
seriously lah today was suanning day:
"THE ANS WAS 12 000?! I PUT 12!!!"
haha okay omg i shall not suan you anymore. i think if that happened to me i will cry lah... but thats beside the point. HAHA! poor wee. got suanning like shit just cos the genious made a tiny mistake. HAHA. 32 now has a new nick name called 12.
"LUCAS WHY YOU BRINGING US INTO THE FOREST!?!" (we walked past a forest to reach his house)
"he's a bear what! he lives in a cave!"
hahaha! LUCAS WAS A MORON. told us it took 20 mins to get from around school to his house. 20 MINS BY CAR LUH. ... hahahaha! so... we actually walked from school all the way to 6th ave there. HAHA. omgg. 20 mins after the 20 mins he told us we were gonna reach in 20 mins from, he was like. OH 20 MORE MINS. haha! it's okayyy. it was a retarded walk. ^^
anyways we decided we didnt wannt walk anymore so i offered to try hitching a ride from someone. HAHA A CAR STOPPED but we were too surprised that it stopped so we chased the car away. HAHA OMG OHWELLS!!! thenn something bigger came along.......

UNCLE HOCK SENG'S BUS! HAHAHA YES WE WERE NEAR MGS!!! HAHAHAHA! some mgs bus driver hitched us a ride and like drove all the way to lucas's door step. HAHA! we still had quite a far distance to go lor! omgg. look at wee's and rayner's happy face that we got picked up!

lucas was directing the driver and like... in the end we offered him a seed of durain and like... everyone was happy! hahaha!
okay so then we went into lucas's house and like... had this whole room to ourselves. we ate durain and watched tv at the same time. omgggg.... we watched vasamtam channel. HAHAHAHA it was in tamil so like... everyone was gazing so intensly into the tv to try and decipher what they were saying. and omg the *cough. dots.* HAHA seriously luh. and the mickey mouse. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
i almost choked while drinking water just cos rayner and wee cracked a joke while i was drinking. omgg. lucas has 5 tubs of icecream at home. one of them is durian flavour! ^^
oh then we were watching Michael Jackson.
"Hey rayner! he's from your generation right?!"

we did a tour around lucas's house and like .______. HUGE.
anyways. on the way home.......
rayner saw a DOT come up on the bus!
anyways class picnic is like... in the morning. i should be sleeping... hahas!
HEYS DARHLING!i havnt seen you in the longest time! =((( *hugs*thanks for being around while i was sick yah? lovelove, doreen.and all of a sudden, i'm not looking forward to this time ahead.
it's like as if you found out or something.STOP AVOIDING
this wait for destiny wont do.
be with me, please, i beseech you.
cyeo tried smiling at
12:22 AM
Thursday, June 25, 2009

HAHAHA OMG i cant mug at home for nuts. thats all for show! i'm actually playing com. HAHA! focus ur attention to the pepsi bottle, chocolate waffers and can of coffee. HAHA! yeah i'm snacking like crap. OHWELLLS.
I WANNA PON TERMS. (and a certain source said i could.)
according to the source mentioned above, AC's math exams are frigging hard, study oso will die. SO. i gave up on math. wth is that E sign thingy anyways?
i justjust started on chem and so far within the past 4 hours, i did TWO questions! (good job cyeo!)
I feel a strange sense of accomplishment. or issit just the feeling that i'm screwed?
tuesday was mugging at MG and it was damn effective lah. well, more than what i'm doing now...
sadly we got chased out of school after mugging there for 5 hours. HAHA. noob chased us away. said something about us having H1N1 so yeah ohwells.
"YES! I JUST FINISHED TUTORIAL 11! THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION! WHO WANTS TO PLAY BRIDGE?!"ohwells. we took breaks by playing ONE game of bridge. haha ohwells! it was like... back to the sec four mugging days. the jumping over tables to get to another. haha the funny thing was that everyone mugging in MG was J1 and only ONE sec 4. .___.
and even though it seems like i'm cheating on you.
*looking forward to class picnic after frigging terms~*like a song,
you cant forget it.
cyeo tried smiling at
11:33 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

frigging mugging week.
okay so it's like. time for us to start mugging since terms is next week. (FREAK NO EXTENSION! WHY!?) urghs. i feel like school holidays has BARELY started! ahhh crud.
i'm supposed to be sleeping right now. tmr's TING'S bday celebration! since her bday is so close to terms. (if there were extension of hols, we could have celebrated it properly.) we're going for a MUGGIN BDAY PARTY. omg i felt so sad as i typed that line. sorry ting, but we're mugging together as ur bday present. :((
insecurity's a bitch.feeling so unwanted. then feeling wanted just after i put u aside.
what is this. ...I HATE YOU.
cyeo tried smiling at
12:51 AM