Wednesday, October 31, 2007
someone remind mi y im doing this... sighs...yeah its boring... very very boring... really couldnt find anything else to do haha. (ps its lyke only the first night). ohwells!!! lalala hmm yeah i got to poke her today woots!!! =) hey dun kill me, u said i could say anything =) hahaha not sure if im going to school tmr... kinda wondering whether ill be bored enuff to do this everynight. haha.bored.bored.bored.bored.
cyeo tried smiling at
10:11 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

day before delhi. LOL.
i'll miss you my beloved MP3!!! *sobs...*
i'll miss my dear LABBYY!!! "labby!!! nooooooooo!!"
i'll miss you VII!!! yeayea off to australia.
i'll miss you SATAY!!! haha have fun with the kids.
i'll miss uhh... my parents? 'yea right they're gonna take over labby!!!' "LABBYY NOOOOO!!!!!"
i'll miss you CHIBII-CHAN!!! yes you'd better blog for me or i'll throw mutu at u. haha i'll try to call from INDIA!!! and no, falling sick doesnt mean not blogging.
i'll miss you XIAO BAI!!! ILOVEYOU!!!!!! IKNOW YOU LOVE ME TOOOOO!!! he does okay. he hasnt scratched me yet!!! ^^
ahhwells. i havent packed. *shit.* ahhwellls! i'll do that later. or maybe tmr. yea. tralalalalalala. i feel like writing a will. *dodges vii's attempts to kill me and cover my ears at ro's shoutinng at me being stupid. tingtinng would probably ask for my bowling balls and every other nice thing*
tralalalala. i NEED to burn my music onnto a cd. i HAVE TO find an alarm clock. and also a shoe bag that can fit 2 of my shoes. lalalalalalalala. OFF TO PACK! there>>>>>
cyeo tried smiling at
8:41 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007

the sky's super nice from my window. yea... mum was asking me to take picts of our condo since it may get N BLOCK and well, kena demolished. so yea. i love my house. heehee.
india trip is... wednesday, 430. yay. ahhhhhh!! lol. im gonna be missing so many things here in spore. thursday: training. compo class. Friday: tuition. sunday: tuition. tuesday: training. piano. anyway... i'll be back on the 8th in the early morning so... WHOS UP FOR YA KUN!? haha!
i'll be passin the blog to wee. yes he doesnnt get a say in this. but whats the use right? sinnce almost everyone will be gone to sabbs. yepps!
satay: HAVE FUN WITH UR JOB ATTACHMENT!! i know you're doing admin and u dont get the point of them asking u to type out everything again but yea. just do what they say. dont let the yong en care center kids eat u up!!
vii: VIIIIIII!!!!!!!! BUY ME SUMTHINGGGGG!!!! can i request?? =\\ hahahahaha!!!! help me buy sumthing from movie world cannn cannnn?!?!?!?!?! i'll pay u back just buy for me cannnn!?!??!?!! what i want? ANYTHING SLYTHERIN-ISH!!! yeayeayea!! cancancann?!?! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!!! i'll try to be less retarded if you buy for me okay?!?! (no 100% guarentee.)
well. yea. today went with ting to orchard after the delhi meeting. walkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalk around cine, heeren and far east. lol! i bought two shirts annd tinng got onne but its too small. (that sucks right? this just proves that you dont need explaining why you dont need a boyfriend.) haha! my tee-shirt says 'explainn to me again why i need a boyfriend?' LOL! tralalalalalalalalala.
HAPPY EARLY BDAY TO KYMMY!!! since we'll be in india. i'll jsut say it now.
HAPPY EARLY BDAY TO JOSHUA!!! and that's if you ACTUALLY come here.
HAPPY EARLY BDAY TO TINGTINNG!!! who claims her bday is on 8th november.
omg tinng was super retarded today. we couldnt find the guardian shop so tingting decided to stalk this guardian worker and then we started following her to the guardian shop. -.- retarded, but it works.
RO! nvm nvm nvm nvm! we can make the shirt AFTER the delhi trip. defeats the purpose but let just heck. yuppsyupps! 'noisy unless spoken to.'
how true.
vii. you better notice the BRIGHT YELLOW part. thats the most important part of this whole post!!! lol!!!!
-ilove DM.SS.LM.TR.BZ!! i<3grimmy>
cyeo tried smiling at
10:26 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
i call for peace.let's all just forget that exams ever happened.whatever it is, lets just not get angry at each other.anyway.vii. no more emoing alright.i've got nth more to say.mum's being stupidly annoying. something about me beinng good for nth unhelpful thing.or sumthing not really listening.haha ahhhhhwellls.sryy mep people for not being able to make it on monday. i have training!yea ahhwells.english: 65.Chinese: 50.physics: 61.chem: 53.amaths: 60.emaths: 68.sgeog: 60.mep: 57.l1r5: 22.sandra says that eoy should be twiice as hard as o lvl is gonna be so... just take l1r5 divide by 2.l1r5: 11.minus 2 points for LEAPS thing. minus 2 points if i go acjc.l1r5: 7.yes this is just to make myself happy.ahhwellls.i wanna learn how to play the wedding march AND the funeral march OR the imperial march (frm starwars) on the piano! whee!! and and and im gonna start baking!!! cyeo managed to bake a cake on 19/10/07!! hurray! its nice its i did not get i didnt get a tummy it wasnt hard nor did it stick to the pan.yea. it was nice. HAPPY BDAY TO MATTGE!yea. well. yea.sch ends on 26.whee! maths tuition at 4. how do we get from bukit timah to woodlands?leaving for new delhi on 31st. srry jia cant join u in ur halloween trick or treat session. lol!chibi-chan! dont miss me! lol!! yes. im pangsehing u. yes i noe you're gonna take revenge and pangseh me later anyway. have funn in SCHOOL. lol! (serious suanning.)i'll be back from new delhi on the... 8th. yea. gonnna hand over the blog to chibi-chan so continue tagging. (whoever thats still in spore. KENNY!!!)aye ro! im gonna bring lots and lots and lots of chocolate!! lol!!! u bring chips? hahahaha we have pt in our room at night when ms lau and mrs ang sleep okok?? lol!!! yay yay yay!!! chia!!! bring cards just in case i forget!!! tingting!! u really brinng ur gameboy arh?!?! yayyayyayyay!!! im lookin forward to the trip okay!! lol!!joy!!! wew can sing that super retarded song!!! hahahahaha yes, the one me u and steph were sinnging during chinese return paper. lol!!! yesyes. with actions and all. tingting!!! u can be my new sexyback partner since shannshann is not there. lol!!! and ro!! we can sinng the...... the.... the!!! U NOE WHAT SONNG!!! lol!!!!! lalalalalala.anyone wants anything from india? i'll try to get it for you!! just ask! lol. tralalalala.-darkenednotes.
cyeo tried smiling at
7:43 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
i just wanna say one thing.
funky unicorns chasing sucks.
its freaking unfair.
no not FUNFAIR.
life sucks. such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing onne got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thinng one got such thing one. got suck thing one got suck thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thinng one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one got such thing one.
funny umbrellas calming sucks.
a maths: 73/120. sry.
physics: 61/100. im surprised.
chinese: 100/200. whee. the joy.
gg chem.
gg geog.
prac: 25.5/40. i think.
paper: 36/50. yays?
higher music composition: 36/50 yay!
two part writing: 12.5/20 ...... i've got nth to say.
word setting composition: 8/20. (seriously.
for unbelieveable crazy kalamaries. fireworks under crappish keypad. flower union calling keyholes. fate using clinical knifes.)
seriously. theres no reason for me not to do well in this part.
fake underwear colouring kickboxer.
kanasaikanasaikanasaikanasaikanasaikanasaikanasaikanasaikanasaikanasaii feel like typing sumthing over and over again just to vent.
freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freakinng shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shi freakinng shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit freakinng shit freaking shit freaking shit freaking shit.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.nows not the time to wonder if i pass the other subjects.
its the time to hope and pray that i pass ennglish.
dunno can pass nots.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!-darkenednotes. cos lifes always unfair in every way last thing. freaking unfair claiming kid.
cyeo tried smiling at
10:43 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
exams over! anyways. vii! my house, monday, 9? okokok? hahaha! hmmmmmm. dun really want tuesday to come. its results day! wth. okok so i just came back from church. my pastor wwas trying to tell us that when u want a miracle, you listen to the word. so he was like.
"Okay so when you're hungry, what do you do?"
"EAT." everyone replies.
"haha you all sinngaporeans of cos u noe. so what do u do when you're hungry?"
"what do you do when you're nont hungry?"
haha! typical singaporeans.
hmmm... wednesday was spent going around bugis with vii and ro. in sch u. we were... the only ones? ahahaha ahhwells! we walked around the place for like 3 hrs? and only ro bought something. one small thing. hahaha! vii wanted to get out fast. lol! ahhwells.
thursday was spent with kenny and Jason. we ate SAKAE. foo was super retarded as usuall. haha! tried to make her eat the octopus she acted like i was feeding her poison or sumthinng.. haha ahhwells! so wew walked the whole of orchard for like... 4hrs? haha! foo bought sumthinng frm every single shop we went to. kenny got a pair of earings and i got a belt! haha. hmm. foo broke a heel. (we all learnt not to wear 4 inch high heels out to shopping now right?)
friday was sabs meetinng. people!!! who cant go for BONDING outing on tuesday tell me NOW! ... we're going mustafa... -.- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
3MMMMMMMM!!! we're gonna have a chalet okay okay? chair! howhowhow? u wanna plan it? haha i book u plan. set? OKAY!
i cut hair!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. its freak short. i think its shorter than mr. heng's!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. walao. damn wad. barber was like... cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut. end up so short. ahhhhh. and wee stop luffing at me.
training starts this week. yay. nv bowled for 2 months? hahahaha nvm nvm!!!
lets make cookies for EVERYONE!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ tralalalalalala.
-darkenednotes. thinking of burning tys.
cyeo tried smiling at
1:11 PM
Monday, October 08, 2007
ahhh!!! omg physics suxs!!! lalalala. then againn. what doesnt? haha ohwells.sumthings to amuse myself with cos of serious emoness coming along. haha sorry vii for that attitude. ahhwells.again, tys ans are WRONG. says me who did alot of the questionns from physics tys and didnt get more that 3 right.i left physics book in sch. shit? hahahaha! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhwells. nvm nvm tmr the break time go study all the light, reflections dunno dunno dunnon. lol!! i attempted to write out every single formular.i can i can!!do questions.cannot cannot!ahhwells.
fun way to learn physics!! see! arent stick people just so much help? and no, it says 'skinny GUY' not skinny GAY. i noe what you're thinking FOO!!!
three guesses to whos that falling off the cliff and the first two dont count. haha u might wanna click to zoom. oh the joy of physics.

if you think any of those characters up there is you, you're wrong. haha! well only one person is correct. *coughweecough* hmm???? haha!! oh yea! wee that guy up there looks strangely like you... hahahahaha!!! ohwells. to make it worst, its a PINK ice kachang. hahaha! ohwells.
lalalala. freaking out like crap for physics. amaths was............... uhm......... i dunno?! hahahaha turns out the only questions i knew how to do were the log questionns! yay! those were do-able. the graph was... hahaha just draw straight line.
"At least i still get marks for the x and y axis!" says cyeo.
caro to vii "ya dun need start from zero! just lable at the bottom what number you start from."
ahahahahaha! ohwells! there goes my x and y axis marks! ahhwells. paper two tmr! what were we tested onn???
ahhhhhwells. hope the paper went well for the lit girls. hehs. do you think mr heng will do the paper for me tmr if i said please and asked nicely?
its worth a try.
-darkenednotes. once again, tys ans are wrong.
cyeo tried smiling at
7:16 PM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
life suxs when you cant do maths.
been trying to do maths the whole afternoon.
log actually.
Logarithmic aka longarithm aka log. why issit such a weird/funny/retarded name? i dunno.
but thats not the point.
I CANT DO LOG ANYMOREEEEEEE. that sucks. seriously.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. sian sian sian sian sian. i did the whole chapter on log in the tys already, still cant do. redid all the questions in the ws from sch, still cant do. well, life sucks when you cant do log. so, i decided to do the second best thing - trigo.
trigonomitric functionns, aka trigonomitry, aka trigo. why the funny/retarded/weird name again? i dunno.
but thats not the point.
I CANNOT DO TRIGO ANYMORE!!!! that sucks. really. seriously. and its not even funnny.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sian sian sian sian sian. i did the whole chapter on trigo in the tys already, still cant do. redid all the questions in the ws from school, still cant do. well, life sucks when you cant do trigo.
doesnt that last paragraph sound familiar... yes it did. from this two para, i can conclude five things.
1. tys the ans are all wrong.
2. maths ws ans are all wrong.
3. maths topics have funnny names.
4. i cannt do maths anymore.
5. life just plain sucks.
yea. lifes da best.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. trying to keep myself hyper by eatinng fruitips. yea. that sweets da best. and also listening to the new song i just got from dear VALFOO. its called 'i wanna f a dog in the ass' by blink 182. (Kenny 100% doesnt approve of the song.) haha. but it definately keeps you freaking high. chia doesnt approve of the song either. wee oso. well. too badddddd. its nice!
but thenn again, theres the same prob of me not being able to do maths. sighs. im gonna start from the beginning then.
..-darkenednotes. still reminding you the fact that tys ans are all wrong.
cyeo tried smiling at
6:46 PM
Friday, October 05, 2007
emaths.probably the dumbest subject next to chem, physics, geog, ss, chinese, amaths, english and music.then again.that was every subject that i was emaths paper 2.super retarded.i got a degree that was 2000+ for a circle question.that suxs.wad many rounds did that go?ahhwells.nvm nvm.emaths is over.yay.Vii:hey you... cheer up alright... u have to vii!! its okay alright... i'll give u a hug whenever you want free of charge and i'll even add in the super big smile for free. cheer up vii! its gonna be over soon.ValFoo:hey jason... you too! cannot handle you and vii going emo at the same time mann. you should be all hyper like we were during ss. cheer up Jasonn! Johnny loves you okayy? i promised you red bull when this is over. smile jason!!Well... yea... kept blastinng music on the way home... that was funnn. ahhh. but so frustratinng. its like... wahh if i cant do maths, i cant do anythinng already. =(( larhs. thanks for the ice kachang wee! seriously. yea that made my day. although i still think the anutie put too much pink syrup and there was too much corn. and since you're gonnna pangseh me for the rest of today, im gonna say this. Have fun with *wiggles eyebrows here*!! hahahahahahaha. im gonna be killed.RO. haha u like half a emo kid liddat. u tooooo! i give u sweet on mondayy. add xtra sugar for you too. den u can give some to vii den she'll go TRALALALALALALALALA. yay.ahhwells. its the weekend. thats good. yay.-darkenednotes.
cyeo tried smiling at
1:44 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
ahhhhh. damn today's chem was like... retarded.
ahhhhhhh.come home kena screaming from mother.
the joy.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwad are we supposed to study for e maths?
minusbplusminussquarerootofbsquareminusfouracovertwoa.ahhh i dunnno?!
damn damn damn damn.
its 8 and im sleepy.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.dumb 10 yr series.
i conclude that the answers in that book are all wrong.
alll i tell you. ALLLL.
yes all. i owe u sweets. and u acting so hyper whenn you're super not is just... freaky. not that im complaining tho.
val foo, heidi and i were actinng all star warsish today... valfoo kep sayinng "luke, i am your father..." everyone goes
NOOOOOO.hahaha retarded again but ohwells.
wad are we supposed to study for emaths again?
minusbplusminussquarerootofbsquareminusfouracovertwoa.all the best for the history exam tmr vii, kenny.
and yea well, all the best for people taking emaths. aka everyone.
bad thinng about emaths?
theres nth to doodle about.
nth EDUCATIONAL to doodle about.
minusbplusminussquarerootofbsquareminusfouracovertwoa.i think typing
minus b plus minus square root of b square minus four a c over two a is helping me remember.
not that i didnt in the first place.
then againn, its one of the few things i remember.
what else are there?!
oh right.
a square equals to b square plus c square minus two b c cos A.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.sleepinng over -------> there.
cyeo tried smiling at
8:15 PM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
okay so im currently doing chem at home. over there ----> hahaha! but anyways. got bored since SOMEONE went to eat and so i started drawing... doodling actually. nvm. stick people!! *smile to kenny and jason*
okay if u cant read what the right guy said, he said "it's not your's! its MINE! now we're stuck." and if u actually studied chem, you'll know that this is covalent bonding. hahaha! you know??? cos they share electrons?! ahahahaha!! okay anyway. moving on.
if you dont know what Ag or Zn is. gg you. anyways. its sliver trying to DISPLACE zinc! hahaha obviouisly its not working since Sliver is at near bottom of the reactivity series.
if you dunno what K, gg you too. okay so now, zinc got easily pushed away by potassium! hahaha cos its higher in the reactivity series! hahaha! i love the sadistic smile on potassium's face. lol!today's exam was just plain shiit la huh. chinese compo was like... "what's this question asking againn?!?" and like. "format... wads the format?!" then started to smile at satay who was 3? 4? rows away then at zhiyun 2 rows on the other side then spotted jiaxin in the same row as satay then we started playing with our eyebrows until tingting was like staring at our retardedness. tingting was about... 2 rows away from jiaxin? hahaha! its true when our bowling camp shirt said 'warning, serious bonding' or sumthing liddat. haha! you cant even seperate us IN the exam hall!haha okay then there was geog. reaaaallly retarded. didnt know how to answer both the 8 marks questions and was like... super frustrated cos i didnt know which directionn the river was flowing in the dumb map. ahhhhhhh. so i started dotting REAL hard for the sedimennts and then steph started staring at me... haha ohwell!i really have no idea what we're supposed to do for chem. haha! lets just hope im studying it right. and hope that no more doodling. anyway. for those of you who read this inn time, watch this show called brainiac on arts central. (its chem!) starts at 10! thats like... 10 more mins!anyway, this show (introduced by yinng hao.) is about peoople doing this things you'll never do for you about chem. sumthing like... testing how high the voltage is in fences and stuff like how to make your pee change colour. haha! super retarded but yea.okay okay. back to mugging over ----> there.-darkenednotes.
cyeo tried smiling at
9:36 PM
Monday, October 01, 2007
okay. shannen is FREAKY. hahahahahaha she's been phycoinng meee. omg. lol!
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy is shannen btw.
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
vey well cheryl yeo
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
yesyes go on shannen tan
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
you are walking down a path, or a road, what does it look like?
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
close you eyes and imagine <--- acting pro.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
u noe
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
the bleach scene
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
rukia first appeared?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
okay close your eyes
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
imagine a road
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
what does it look like
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
or a path for that matter
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
dark road
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
street lamps?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
im a depressinng person aint i?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
next question
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
its it daylight or nightime?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
okay so it's a dark raod iwth street lamps
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
you walk down the path
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
at night you encounter a froest
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
what do you see
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
so tempted to say glowing stag
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
but anyway
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
i see trees?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
please describe what you seen
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
down the road arh?
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
the path leads you to a froest
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
what does the forest looks like?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
tall trees?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
no wind?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
does that forest
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
scare you in anyway?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
okay it does.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
"Okay... so you continue to walk down the road, which has now led you into a forest... you walk for some time, when suddenly, you encounter a cup, goblet, glass... whichever you'd like to call it... What does this cup look like, cheryl yeo?"
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
tempted again
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
its just
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
sliver cup
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
i read too much fann fics.
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
okay I don't think this test is accurate anymore
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
what do you do with the cup
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
look ninto it?
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
do you leave it there or bring along?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
So you take the silverl cup with you... and you later continue to walk down the road... you're walking and walking, until you see a key... what does the key look like
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
gold key?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
clover shapped with a long uh
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
to stick into door thing
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
like those
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
ancient king?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
palm size!
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
okay good
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
examin it?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
throw it?ignore it? bring it?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
bring la!
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
and you place it where?
skips a line....
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
of cos hold it or inn pocket la.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
and you continue to walk down the road... you're walking for a while, until you see a chest. What does the chest look like
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
kind of
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
golden pirate chest (brand new one)
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
this stream of light
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
you open it
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
what do you see
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
do u wan
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
a fake ans
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
or a real one?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
skips a few lines.... seriously this convo ought to be censored.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
cos i reall wished there was like.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
okay nvm
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
i see gold in it anyway
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
issnt it like
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
i mean
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
pirate chest leads to pirate gold
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
I think othewise
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
well, so what do you do with the chest
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
stare at it
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
and like.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
raise eyebrown
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
and like.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
so you don't do anything to it and move on?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
i cant possibly carry it right?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
okay ni take abit
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
lock the chest
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
and moving on!
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
Alright.. so you continue to walk down the dirt road... but now you encounter a wall... what does this wall look like to you,
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
grey brick wall
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
in the middle
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
of no wher
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
it changed colour
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
to red.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
dirty red.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
when u mix iron 3 with sodium hydroxide that ppt colour.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
what do you do to the wall
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
climb it?
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
what happens after you climb the wall
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
i like.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
dust nmy pants
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
(cos thats why malfoys do)
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
and like
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
look forward again to see whats on the other side?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
you see a lake
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
what does the lake looks like
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
tell me then I release results
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
its huge.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
with water?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
theres a clearing on the otherside too!
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
the one in harry potter askaban1
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
what do you do to the lake
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
ignore? dump sewage in? throw rocks? drink it?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
just go like.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
scoop water and like.
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
see condition?
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
the path
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
you said its dark and only streetlights
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
it means: currently you feel depressed but there's still a glimmer of hapiness but still depressed nonethe less
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
you seem
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
the forest: tall dark windy scary
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
shows that your relationship is strained I THINK you are tormented by your past
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
CUP: silver with emeralds
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
it shows that your love is only second important but important nonetheless
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
what are the other answers?
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
relationship will be quite strong
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
jsut interested in this one.
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
like a lit essay
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
okay fine
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
go on
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
GOLD key with like clover shapped (old types of aincent keys) palm size
examines and brings key/ HOLDS IT OR INNER POCKET
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
shows that your friendships are the MOST important and this means that your friendships last for many years, and that there aren't really any serious problems between you and your friends. You also said, if I recall correctly, that the key was in great condition for its age because its old and you think it works, meaning that your friendships might last for ages
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
are u interpreting this?!?!
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
er somewhat
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
but what you value in life is money
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
but it was a pirate's chest!
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
its the excitement mann
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
which shows that you are a bit materalistic but after a while you realise that it's not really valueable because you only take some
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
and you stare at it
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
go on
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
at first it was grey
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
so it means you were neutral about death
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
but your opinions soon changed after
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
thinking its a part of life
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
because you just climb it
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
dusts your pants
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
and move on
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
lake: huge and like waith water, clearing on the otherside too goes like"scoop water
and like see condition"
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
'`-«Cyeo»-`' ahhhhhhhhh says:
okay so i decided to SKIP the last part cos shannen was up to no good.
entertained by piles, polders and dikes oh my plenteous joy says:
did I mention you don't mix friendship and love together and separates them as two different things?
yea. so instead of studying geog, i did this. im da best. ^^ haha thanks shannen for entertaining me! you da best at interpretinng. ahahhahahaa.
cyeo tried smiling at
10:41 PM
today, ss and english paper one.
damn shiit.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.letter writing format was like... unknown until like... 5mins before the exam? was bugging grace during assembly to tell me the format. haha ohwells!
the essay was like... wahh crap. i spelt shriek wrongly. my spellinng is like.... jialat. ahhhhh.
studying ss had nv been so funn or productive. those of you who havent tooken. heres some help.
social cohision in spore just remember: Ninja Moshing Crew. (national identity, Minority group, Common space.)
Tamils vs Sinhalese just remember: SCRU aka. screw. ('Sinhalese only' policy, Citizenship rights, resettlement, university admission.)
Gov in Spore just remember: LORA. (leadership is key, opportunities for all, reward for work & work for reward, anticipate change.)
omg i cant believe its over and i still remember. studying with valfoo is PRODUCTIVE!!! (even though it involves weird stuff. moshing and ninnjas and blablabla). nvm nvm! VAL! TMR GOT GEOG! STUDY WITH YOU!! ahhahaha! poor kenny is like learning but groaning all the time cos of the super hyperness and retardedness.
cant study geog. all i remember is... about the damned trees. those that i cant get the spelling right from the mangrove forest.
AHHHHHHHH.river processes: Erosion (AAHS). Transportation (TSSS). lol! ahhh. this is retarded.
stuff affecting volume of river just remember: Drunken Retarded Valfoo Case. (Drainage basin, Rocks the permeability, Vegetation, Climate.)
ahh life is retarded.
draw waterfalls, gorges, meanders, oxbowlakes, hydrological cycle all on one paper. (SAVE THE TREES!). overlapping like shiit. HAHAHAHA OHWELLS. once againn, (SAVE THE TREES!).
tmr is geog and Chinese paper onne. shit. how to write letter again?
own up. who took my electronic dictionary?!
yes wee. its HYDRAULIC. not HYDROLIC. why cant they make english simple?!
and yes VII. i remembered about the dictionary. thanks!
AHHHHHH. okay back to mugging over there ------>
cyeo tried smiling at
9:12 PM