Saturday, March 29, 2008

okay so today was the olympic games for us... it was... fun but kinda disappointing overall i guess. hahahaha! but we fought together and had fun together and thats what matters huh?
dont care about which ball you didnt managed to catch or who injured you! its over so lets just place this at the back of our minds and remember the better things instead!
sec 4 olympics is sumthing like.... each class draw lots to what country they're gonna be and whoever gets china, is the host of the olympics! so 4m was GREECE! anyways, then the host country gets to pick the games we're playing. so china picked floorball, handball and basketball.
anyways, the opening ceremony was like... all the countries march in with their mascots... hahahaha its like... val foo was out mascot.... she wore a SEE THRU dress! hahahahahaha okay not see thru but bad enough.

then, we had to do some oath thingy and we were sort of lost... but anyways! its time to light the torch and start the olympics! so china, being the host country for the olympics, was given a STOVE STARTER and then, she and her flag bearer had to run upstairs to light.....

a candel. okok its supposed to be a torch... hahahaha! but thats retarded.

moving on... i played floor ball today! and this ^ is the floorball team!!! left to right: joy, deborah (back), caro (front with the peace sign), isabel next to deborah, su-lyn, michelle, vicky, nick and grace.

we practiced hard.... yeah i think we sort of sort of sorrrtt offf... did. lol! prob was we had no strategy and well... we managed to get into the semi finals tho...
lol there was this game which was super funny... grace and i asked the empire(?) how many mins left, she said 20 seconds. so we were winning anyways so me and grace joker went to swap at last 20 seconds. playplayplay, we scored a goal, i fell on the floor laughing, grace did too. then, after awhile, we realised that the game was still on. den like
empire replied theres still 20 secs more. LOL!!!! super joker.

if you dont know wth is floorball, think HOCKEY.

caro likes weired picts... i dunno if this is considered emo... or futuristic....

this is brazil vs china i think... yeah! satay's class! haha.

shake hands... den start. im waiting for satay to upload the vids on youtube or sumthing... got this super nice vid of jamie shooting into the goal.... and a few others of the teams playing... yeah! its nice... ahhwells. it was fun.
i'm burnt, black, and very very tired. yay.
cyeo tried smiling at
3:14 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
today was quartet event! we bowled with acsi today... yesterday we bowled with ssp and yeah. it was retarded. question of the day: "IS HE KOREAN?!"hahahahaha omg. shany kept wanting to find out if willie was korean... hahaha super funny! me and michelle kept forcing her to ask him so we can see his shocked reaction or sumthing and all the vulgar stuff coming from his mouth. hahahaha! ohwells.ting ting was spying on her *ahem* eyecandy *ahem* again... seriously ting, YOU'RE BECOMING A STALKER!hahahaha and satay is really scared of her stalker... lol!
anyways, bowled like shit for today too!! hahahaha dont care. im really happy and good mood now so yea! hahahahathis is the team during prize presentation. me satay and shanny were standing at the back and like.... being nervous... about the overall position... hahaha satay kept saying "it's okay cheryl!" hahahaha ahhhhhwells!
this is team 1!! they won 3rd for quartets!! yay!! hahahahaha left to right: gale, zhiyun, denise, grace. DENISE! GRACE! CONGRATS ON GETTING INTO MASTERS!! YAY!!! hahahaha okay im super happy now.
okay satay and i were REEEAAALLLYY happy and so, we took a pict with the overall schools' trophy! den ms or took it home... lol!
shannen wanted to take a pict with it too... so... yeah! lol! 
this is team 3!! yay!!! left to right: me, shannen, michelle and tingting. hahahaha! weird people with weird faces. ahhh i love you people okay! we faced everything together... the emoness, randomness, retardedness, hyperness, coolness, hotness and everything else! hahaha! yeahs. thanks for the encouragement you three... yays to u!
and then, we started to cam whore... shannen and satay. yeah... lol!
shannen, satay and i... lol! we're happy people!
after that, me satay and ting went to starbucks for uhh.... dinner... talked about random people stalking us and other weird stuff... yeah it was a nice day... other than the fact that i flung my camera into the air and it landed like... 3 feet away.. hahahaha! omg. its alittle screwed now... ahhwells!wells... i guess this is really gonna be the last time we're ever gonna bowl together and stuff... and last time ting will be ever ever bowling? unless satay decides to pon holiday classes and join nag or sumthing. hahaha!i got rammed in the ribs by amira today, strangled by elaina, emoed with diane... yeah. this is prolly the last time we're gonna see each other... UNTIL C DIV THAT IS! HA!things to remind satay to remind me about:1.) tell Gale to return 20 bucks cos theres subsidie for our jerseys.2.) tell them to wear blue on masters day.3.) tell them time for masters day.4.) write script for prize presentation for tuesday. include scores, positions and overall who got into masters.5.) meeting with ms or tmr after victory lunch.6.) remind team 1 to bring their trophys on monday.yeah i think thats it.... i think... AHHWELLS.i've not been to school in awhile. IM SCREWED! anyways. all the best to ro and grace for their piano exam tmr! no stress okay! have faith in the LORD! and i'll see the both of you on monday again! ^^ yeps! mugging starts next week.shanny said im fat. AHHHHHHHH.satay's sister said that i sound like a dinosaur when i go AHHHHHHHHHHH.i did a recording of me going AHHHHHHHHHHH and placed it in wmp and set it to repeat mode.anyways. GOOD JOB MG! ITS TIME FOR US TO REST AND CONCENTRATE ON CATCHING UP IN SCHOOL! AND WE'LL BE CHEERING FOR GRACE AND DENISE ON MASTERS YA!? ALL THE BEST TO YOU TWO!masters? or olympics?
cyeo tried smiling at
7:52 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008

left to right: me, michelle, shannen, tingting.
TEAM 3!yeah b div has started. first day was... super shit. anyways. yeah really wanna thank all the supporters for giving their voices. really. lol! espicially satay and char tan. lol! you two shout until like screaming at boyfriend like that... hahaha quite scary but was really loud. thanks satay and chartan!!

b div presents! woah i dunno how long i spennt on this man. lol! its like the message in the bottle idea.. yeah. anyways. thanks for the rest of the presents i received! yeah! im like.. gonna put them to good use. heees.

saturday evening... we had MEP concert at esplanade. who actually went? lalala. me, caro, val, tricia and isabel
ponned like crap. hahaha! we're down by the singapore rive!! (if you dont know, the above pict is a pict of spore river.)

anyways, we sat there and listened to some people singing lion king songs. lol! and eating cotton candy at the same time! left to right: me, ro, tricia. yeah val's taking the pict.

after that, we moved up to the roof.... the view was super nice other than the fact that the first thing we did was go over to the ledge and see if its jumpable.
"Aiya jump oso no use dammit. cannot die anyways! below got another roof!" said caro. LOL! we love life.

anyways, this loser here is my beloved caro. or also my illegal wife. lol! rawrhs. what she's pointing at... we dont know............

this is val. LOL! i think the main shot here was the tree behind her... or wassit? heees.

this is caro. again. with the flower from the tree val was with. yes. she is as retarded as a moose on an airplane.

then, caro decided she liked the floor. so, we slept there. yeah. lol. and stargaze while listening to retarded songs such as 'girlfriend' and 'low'. we love that song.

left to right: me, val, tricia. we tried to get tricia to take pict with some guy wearing the same colours of stripes as her but... yeah she didnt. lol!

val and ro acting emo.

caro deciding that she loves the lamp on the floor. wasnt it wet?

anyways, being cam whores... we had to take a group pict... so we went to set timers on the floor the quickly run. lol! well... the main point of this pict is that tricia spotted that my shadow made a
HEART shape... i really. lol!

yea we managed to take the pict acfter a few trys. left to right: ro, me, tricia and val. lol!
okay then isabel joined us and we played 'i've never'. she... shouted something that none of the people on the roof really wanted to hear... yes... lol!! we know what it is...
the thing is, we played the game with
SODA MILK. who the heck thought of soda milk?! it was gross.... we should have bought the oo long cha... lol!!
so anyways, saturday was really funn... with all the randomness and usual ponning.
okay so theres doubles tomorrow...
WE CAN DO IT OKAY MG! WE'RE NOT GONNA GIVE UP! if we want to push people down we have to start from the bottom first right?! so we're gonna go up up UP!! YES!
MG'SGONNAWIN!people say we are the best.who say? you say, i say.who say? you say, i say.people say we number two,we say you tan kuku!who say? you say, i say.who say? you say, i say we cannot win,we say you rubbish bin!who say? you say, i say.who say? you say, i say we sweep the floor,we say we win the war!
cyeo tried smiling at
7:01 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

today was... bdiv gathering... its raining like shit the whole freaking day! urghs, i caught a cold. well i have a perfect excuse for the cold alright. we were dancing in the rain... :]
hmm... trash talk was kinda shit... i dont think a shit changed. ahhwells. spilled out some shiz when everyone started weeping like someone died.. ahwells we all have our emo times... except eva maybe... shes 100% happy. haha go eva!
anyways... wells, bdiv is like... next week. we gotta work hard hard hard kays... really. i really really hope we did learn something today... even if it'll make the slightest change... i hope it did... yeahhs.

michelle's cat! so cute right! lalalala. yesterday xiao bai... today its this guy... ^^

yeppps! we should never ever fight again ne? i love you satay! i love you shannen! we'll dance in the rain some time again okays? shanny's scared of thunder.... she didnt dare go into the water cos of the flashes in the sky... until michelle pushed her in... ahhwells. we had fun didnt we?

michelle hwang house has a freaking swimming pool and a PINBALL MACHINE! omgomg right?! hahaha. zhiyun got addicted to it... just stood there the whole time... haha!
i ate damn alot la... so much for the i need to lose weight... nvm! i shall start that soon... we ordered like... 6 pizzas and 30 drumsticks... then theres 2 pots of mac and cheese... we da best. haha!
wells... i just really hope that the mg bdiv can like... get over all our diffs and just... LOVE AND PEACE. yeah... we'll do our best for bdiv and support each other all the way okayys? we should...

the rain is cold.
and splits sucks.
cyeo tried smiling at
7:10 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
monday... was traininng... at... 930. lol! no its at 10 but report at 930... something about us getting used to the competition setting and time of day.. AHHWELLS. training for 2half hours... we died half way? but then we look at TK. they 3 hours... omg. we bowlers are so hardworking ne? ^^

anyways from right to left: HuiLing, better known as tingting, satay and me! we're shuttlebussing to northpoint for our fav lunch place... SWENSENS! hahaha omg. everytime we go there, ting ting will write some retarded feedback form... on it theres this question that goes:
what is the best thing here? or sumthing liddat.
ting's answer was: the feedback form. lol!!!! just plain retardedness.
i bought b div present too! cost like crap... have to start saving again! for cosfest... YARRR. OMG. check out the link over there >>>>> about the cosfest thingy...
what the heck is cosfest? well... its where this whole bunch of people cosplay!
what the heck is cosplay? lol! its where we people dress up as fictional characters and just look cool. yes we're gonna spend damn alot on costumes! and im already starting to react to my cosplay's name! yayness.
today is tuesday right...?
ahhwells. this morning went to play bball with wee. yeah. it was... funnish.... lol! wee: cant run, cant shoot from far cos he throws it PAST the poles...
yeah, we da best. hahaha but its fun! we're gonnna do this again ne?
stone stone stone stone stone. we were supposed to do hw... gave up after a few questions. yeps! i've learnt one thing... spreading all your worksheets on ur floor and leaving it there makes it easier to find them when you want sumthing.

this is XIAO BAI. he's not very white you know... wee, you suck at giving names. anyways. so we walked in the rain to J8 to eat lunch. then walked back after lunch. in the rain again. reached the house, it stopped raining.
after awhile, shanny decided to come too... so... we walked in the rain to go pick shanny up. damn retarded. played ji gou pa and i lost so had to run under the down pour to pick shanny. yayness. so... after bball, this was our bath. wheees.

shanny and i! lol! she was unhappy about the mrt ride here... something about people looking at her and she got real pissed... contridicts her tee... lol! ahhwells.
i dunno... i guess im having some fun in this one week break... havnt done hw... who cares. heck. lol! theres training again tmr... whee. wells i guess im thankful for this weeks break i guess... its gonna be hectic next week.
OHRIGHT. i dunno if this is good news or bad... but... if i dont make it into masters... i'll be able to go for the olympic games. is that good?
ro: our date on thursday right?! yepps~
i needa lose some weight.
cyeo tried smiling at
7:20 PM
yes i know. cyeo sucks, she's lazy. yesyes. haha but yeah i decided to start again... just cos b div is coming and i know i CONFIRM CONFIRM have damn alot of complaints or good stuff to say. yeah! so... im gonna start from... the start of this 'holiday'.
okay so saturday was our sch's BAND[AGE] concert. its sort of like a competition between bands... as you can see from the picts below, we went to sch but never attended. AHHWELLS.

anyways, sec 4s were required to set up a stall and sell stuff to earn money in aid of St Luke's hospital. so our class, 4M, sold NACHOS! yeah! look at huanny aka Aizen, acting all cool stiring the pot of warm CHEESE.

okay so from left to right: shannen, Charmaine and ME! anyways. saturday was our dating day! yesyes we had a dinner date under the stars together... in the middle of the field in the middle of the sch.

shanny made BURNT eggs and reaaaally nice pasta, satay made brownies and i brought cookies! yeah! lol! it was a reaaaallly filling dinner.. really good too!

shanny and i. well.... actually we were supposed to dress more guyish cos satay was supposed to be the girl and us as her boyfriends... but... we ended more girly than her... ahhwells. caro, your hoodie was really usefull... haha!!

left to right: me, satay and shanny. read satay's tee! hahahaha its damn cool! but it also means she'll have to stay in the middle of us the whole time... HAHA!
okay so it got dark... and yeah we were still there... from 6 all the way to 930. yepps! nice shot of the sch in the night... never had a pict of it in the night... AHHWELLS!
shanny and i looking at the stars... satay's taking the pict thats why she issnt there... but anyways... we saw many many AEROPLANES... wth right.
shanny's acting allll... macho... or at least i think thats what she's trying to do... wells... she looks cool... SEE RO! UR HOODIE MAKES PEOPLE LOOK COOL! HAHAHA. yeah.
wells.... it was really fun that day... its like... people walk past us and go "OMG theres people there..."
gale was even better... "OMG! GOT PEOPLE!". so we shouted hi to her... den she was like "OMG THEY KNOW MY NAME! RUN!!!" hahahahahaha it was really funny. ting ting joined us after awhile den left cos she said she didnt wanna be accociated with morons... =((( ahhwells! we should do this again sumtime ne? yeps!
cyeo tried smiling at
7:02 PM