Thursday, June 25, 2009

HAHAHA OMG i cant mug at home for nuts. thats all for show! i'm actually playing com. HAHA! focus ur attention to the pepsi bottle, chocolate waffers and can of coffee. HAHA! yeah i'm snacking like crap. OHWELLLS.
I WANNA PON TERMS. (and a certain source said i could.)
according to the source mentioned above, AC's math exams are frigging hard, study oso will die. SO. i gave up on math. wth is that E sign thingy anyways?
i justjust started on chem and so far within the past 4 hours, i did TWO questions! (good job cyeo!)
I feel a strange sense of accomplishment. or issit just the feeling that i'm screwed?
tuesday was mugging at MG and it was damn effective lah. well, more than what i'm doing now...
sadly we got chased out of school after mugging there for 5 hours. HAHA. noob chased us away. said something about us having H1N1 so yeah ohwells.
"YES! I JUST FINISHED TUTORIAL 11! THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION! WHO WANTS TO PLAY BRIDGE?!"ohwells. we took breaks by playing ONE game of bridge. haha ohwells! it was like... back to the sec four mugging days. the jumping over tables to get to another. haha the funny thing was that everyone mugging in MG was J1 and only ONE sec 4. .___.
and even though it seems like i'm cheating on you.
*looking forward to class picnic after frigging terms~*like a song,
you cant forget it.
cyeo tried smiling at
11:33 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

frigging mugging week.
okay so it's like. time for us to start mugging since terms is next week. (FREAK NO EXTENSION! WHY!?) urghs. i feel like school holidays has BARELY started! ahhh crud.
i'm supposed to be sleeping right now. tmr's TING'S bday celebration! since her bday is so close to terms. (if there were extension of hols, we could have celebrated it properly.) we're going for a MUGGIN BDAY PARTY. omg i felt so sad as i typed that line. sorry ting, but we're mugging together as ur bday present. :((
insecurity's a bitch.feeling so unwanted. then feeling wanted just after i put u aside.
what is this. ...I HATE YOU.
cyeo tried smiling at
12:51 AM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

yay! went out with neighbours on saturday! lol it's been a long time since we've gotten together and like. went out or do something together. ohwells.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. homework's piling and like. the guilt of not mugging is like HAUNTING me. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
i wanna go back to school, yet i dont wanna face terms. ohwells.
shit mannn this week's busy. bowlingbowlingbowling. rawrh.
10 more days.
hillsongs concert on 25th july. anyone going??
crap i think i should be sleeping. frigging acjc friendlies tomorrow. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I AM PEEVED. that i still havn't pulled up enough courage.
cyeo tried smiling at
12:12 AM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
four years out of practice, God please lead the way.
WOOOOOOOOOOOO~ today was girly date!! uhh. yeah wells. we were supposed to wear dress and like. no shoes or slippers, handbags is a must. hair down... blahblahblah. ohwells! it was fun. but awkward.

okay so we went to eat dim sum buffet.
omg poor satay she was like struggling to finish. COS TING BULLIED US. SHE DIDNT EAT MUCH. rawrh.
anyways. after that we went to watch ghost of girlfriend's past. it was nice-ish. haha. took veryveryvery few picts (sat's not happy about that) but yea had fun.
sorry, but i'm gonna hurt you. somewhat intensionally.okay anyways, there goes the second week of holidays! ahh crap. so much for mugging. i hardly did anything so far. rawrh.
next week's gonna be even more packed up...
monday: semi-girly date.
tuesday: training.
wednesday: ACJC friendlies.
thursday: saxo class (i need to be reminded to schdule this.)
friday: Bowling CIP.
saturday: Class CIP, lavander mrt at 945am.
sunday: church, tuition.
3 down, 2 more to go.tmr's gonna hopefully be packed too. ohwells. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i cant believe i'm saying this but... i wanna go back to school.... just not to the exams. rawrh. I MISS YOU DARHLING! =\\\ i get to see you more when theres school!! rawrhhh. hope you're taking care of yourself? no conflicts? yeah... lovelove!MEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'M PEEVED! RAWRH.I DONT DARE.
cyeo tried smiling at
12:05 AM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

okay so yesterday was 1SB4's first almost successful gathering! almost everyone was here and to whoever that wasnt there, we missed you. LOL.

yeah wells. seriously i took like ONLY 157 picts! it's not that much. dont call me a camwhore! haha! i'm efficiant in loading picts into facebook! woohoo~

the sand says i heart 1SB4. left to right: Joey, Naz, Eugene, Zhai and Isaac.

Naz decided to dig his own hole and bury himself inside. haha and notice the pict? we DONT KNOW what the two of them are staring at. they even made Naz sandy boobs. .___. i didnt put the pict on my blog since they were violating naz in the pict. HAHA.
anyways, when me and zhiyun arrived after training, these three were trying to start a fire with ganjah, the match stick. and omg they couldnt even make a spark lah!!!
when the spark, samuel, died.
"DAMN YOU SAMUEL!" *throws the firestarter into the distance and isaac went back to praying*

XueQiao was our cook for the night! wells marshall and JonYap came and cook later on too but xueqiao was the coolest! HE HAD A FRIGGING CHRISTMAS CAP WITH BLINKING LIGHTS!!!! and an apron too!

left to right: me, youjing, joey and eugene. there were like. 5 girls that day? ._.

left to right: wenhui, zhiyun and me. and damned i didnt eat much. haha!

we found these little sand houses on the sand so i decided to take a nice pict!

but my sadistic classmates decided to kill them instead. OHWELLS!

according to mingruey this is the HOYA BICYCLE GANG! dont know why. haha! we took alot of picts WHILE cycling but like. lazy to post them here. and omg zhai can cycle with no hands! haha! anyways, top to bottom, left to right: Jianloon, Zhai, Eugene, Mingruey, Bryan, YouJing, YingWee and me.
and shit i feel damn pro! managed to take this pict with the camera across the road from a flat surface on the ground! haha! left to right: Bryan, JianLoon, Eugene, me, YouJing, YingWee, MingRuey, Zhai.

okay anyways if you're staring at this pict to figure out what it is, you can stop. LOL. even i cant really see. okay so after cycling, i think Eugene was trying to get joey to get over her fear of the sea. anyways, the two other jokes decided to attempt the throw people into the sea. LOL.
anyways, isaac had this BRILLANT idea (it was mine actually) to walk into the sea and see how far we could go.
"I dont have extra undeees."
"Neither do i!"
haha but anyways, we had fun. took that pict up there. uhhh. if i'm not wrong its left to right: Eugene, Joey, Naz in the front, me then isaac.
i've learnt that you cannot make ruggers topple down. unless you're a rugger yourself of cos. but thats not the point.
anyways it's almost halfway thru the hols and i havnt started anything at all. seriously omg.
is terms REALLY important?
if we fail it and pass eoy exam, can we still go j2?
i love you sat. *hugs*
shann needs a dress.
merv needs to be a girl.
TING is better.
i lie.
i say the truth.
i twist my words.
it doesnt matter because they're just words afterall.
sweetcontradictorywords. makes things even MORE impossible.
cyeo tried smiling at
8:56 PM