Wednesday, May 30, 2007
yay! today is the end of mep camp! lol. well... its not really a camp but they say it is... frm 8-5 or sumthing liddat. lol! but i oways leave during lunch break cos of NAG! lol~ anyways. yea i got some picts koped frm our dearest MARISA! ^^

yea well... this is... sec 3 2007 mgs mep gang! yay! lol. somehow im next to ro but not taking pict like... with her? lol! ohwells! val's in the bluu jacket leaning on isabel and ro's on my right and lydiee's on my left. go figure the rest. lol! =X

okok. this is our beloved group 6! yay!! lol! well... its not ALL of grp six theres more than half missing... lol~ ohwells. anyway, frm right to left theres shao, hilary and marisa in the front. then me, timothy (the acsi guy who keeps folding his untucked tee for i dunno wad reason...), chuanxi (uh... he claims that he's sexy...), kapilan (i still get his name rong sometimes... okay most of the time... SORRY FRIEND! =\), jonathan (the RI guy... he might actually look sexy next to mr sexy.. hmmmm... LOL!!!!) and Jackson (im not very close to u huh...).
they're... a nice grp of ppl! lol. i guess. concidering their LAME LAME SUPER LAME! jokes... lol... its like half the time we're toking they'll say sumthing like...
"are u sure?" "ya" "HI SURE!"
... nth better to do lor! lol~ hmm... poor jonathan has to hear all the school-cist jokes during lunch... HAHA. ohwells! and we were like... saying some racist jokes across Kapilan. haha! sorry friend! yea but they're all nice...
anyways... NAG is almost over!!! (ppl who bowled badly all cheers) lalala~ anyways. yea heck lar! lets just haff fun tmr okays?? lets heck the scores! hmm.. we can even bet on one another tmr ya? LOL that oways gets us hyper... yea...

HAPPY BDAY TO SHANNEN, UNCLE JOHN AND IRIS!! lol... we just ate cake and SOMEONE decided to put cake on someone's face and so, it turned into somee cake fite! lol... we're all trying to clean up. CHAR DAMN GOOD. just stand there take pict!

desparately trying to get the cake off my hair!!

this is me and my darhling LAOPO! lol... yea... charmaine! lol... we'll try our best tmr ya? ^^
cyeo tried smiling at
9:13 PM
wth. i rather u not come. come already oso not happy? wth is ur prob? u think the whole world revolves around u? u think you're the only person who has feelings? now u're bloody angry at me just cos u THINK im angry at u. well u noe wad? u're not the only person in the world alright. why does it haff to be im angry at u? ... and u think u noe me well? well u dont. nothing. u dont know anything at all. just cos we're related doesnt mean that u have power over me. it just means i choose when or not to listen to u. im not under ur command so dont think u can make me do things. and if u're not gonna let me bowl anymore, suit urself. im just gonna say, im not gonna suit u. im not giving this up just cause of some petty little temper u haff. u're taking 0% charge of my choices. so dont u think its best if u just foed. u the best. i'll like to say it was PEACEFUL and FUN when u were gone. if u're still gonna pretend that u care, show that to him not me. cos i noe u dont. ftw.
cyeo tried smiling at
7:21 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
day 5: before heading homeA wawrrior of light shares his world with the people he loves.he tries to encourage them to do the things they would like to do but for which they lack the courage; at such times, the enemy appears holding two wooden signs in his hands.on one sign is written: think of urself. keep all the belssings for yourself, otherwise you'll end up losing everything.on the other sign, he reads: who do u think u are, helping other ppl? cant u see ur own faults?A warrior knows that he has faults. but he knows too that he cannot do his growing alone and thus distance himself frm his companions.therefore, he throws the two signs to the floor, even if he thinks they may contain a grain of truth. the signs crumble into dust and the warrior continues to encourage those nearest to him.well. yea i guess thats it... we went home after that... it was... sad... uncle bi took to boat with us all the way to the spore shores. in the boat most of his grp the students were all looking super sad.. he was trying to cheer us up by doing a magic trick which involved making two pens disappear... he stuck them through his afro hair! lol~ anyways... i guess... yea im really very sad that we're actually gonna never see uncle bi again... welll... U THE BEST UNCLE BI! sighs...well... i just wanna say... to uncle bi, korkor lam, uncle CJ, i wish u enuff... everyone hopes to see them again rite? yea... lets hope so... =)"home is what u bring along." - uncle bi.
cyeo tried smiling at
6:08 PM
Day 5: MorningA warrior of light cannot allways choose his battlefield.sometimes he is taken by surprise in the middle of battles not of his choosing but there is no point in running away, those battles wll merely follow him.then, at the point when conflict seems almose inevitable,e the warrior talks to his opponent. showing neithere fear nor cowardicem he tries to find out why the other man wants to fight, what made him leavee his village in ordere to seek him out to fight this duel. without even unsheathing his sword, the warrior persuades his opponent that this is not a fight for him.a warrior of light listens to what his opponents has to say. he only fights is absolute necessary.25/5Uncle bi really chooses the best spots for us to spend out time... its morning now and we're at the jetty watching the sunrise for the last time in this camp... last night we sat at this jetty to talk... we told jokes, played games and finally found out how LAME uncle bi is! lol... he's still saying he didnt kill the jelly fish... lol~"do u noe that this is?" asked uncle bi and he placed his hands together in a buttlefly shape. we tried guessing like shiit. in the end, he said."ITS BELAY MOVEMENT!!" lol! belay movement is something he thought us when we were supposed to do rock climbing. lalala! i think most ppl that cry at the end of this camp is sause they miss their instructors... yea... we're gonna miss uncle bi!! ==( we're like super tired atnd all after the kayaking for 4 hours... damn tired... i finally got super used to sleeping in the tent! and this night sky here rocks! we did the jetty jump... jumping off from the jetty... yea... damn scary? but after u jump. its damn fun ler! lol... uncle bi told us to make it something meaningful... like... renewing ourselves... yea... im lying on thee jetty now... bobing up and down... its like... even when im in the toilet or eating... i can feele like im bobing up and down... lol its damn funn! got motion sickness... feeling damn dizzy as i sit here.... lalala!we made a banneer for uncle bi. he was damn touched la!! i think? lol~ "a true man is one who dares to show his true feelings" says uncle bi... lol! yea... no sun burn... a little tanner... didnt use sun block much... lol! yay... we haff to pack and clean after this... ate damn alot last night... we feasted la!! lol. better than 5 course meal! lalala... hmm... i swear if wee doesnt come pick me up ima gonna break up!! lol!! peace yo.
cyeo tried smiling at
5:42 PM
day 4: Morning'i alwawys velieve everything anyone tells me and im always disappointed.' his companion is important to trust people; a warrio of light is not afraid of the disappointments because he knows the power of his sword and the strength of his lovee.however, he imposes certain limits: it is one thing to accept GOD's sighs and to know that the angels use the moughts of other people to give us advive. it is quite another to be incapable of making decisions and to be ealways looking for wawys of letting others tell us what we should do.A warrior trusts other people because, first and foreemost, he trust himself.24/51 more day to end of camp5 more days to NAG5 more days to supp class5 more days to POTC6 more days to MEP campKayaking back to camp 2 todays from the place we trekked to yesterday... damn shiit carry tent bag + this long stick of bottles,, this suxs. kayaking back to there with ro and sandra on the triyak (3 ppl kayak).. last night sucked... uncle bi told us some bloody dammned story... in the dark. no lights, in the middle of the foreset. everyone screamed like shiit. haha ohwells. den wild boars came to attack us from behind in the dark... we screamed like shiit too! lol! it got pitch black at 7:30 la!! yepps. hmm... wew're sitting on the beeach watching the sun rise and waves... if it rains today, we die... gg us. we kayaking back so its gonna flip! ohwels... i see bottles floating on the water! did someone send them!? lol!! ahhwells. all of us did not bathe last night... or brush teeth... this morning oso nv brush... LOL we the best. our toilet heree is like... on the sand? lol! yea... shiiting is like... dig a hole?! lol!!! ohwells... when we get back to the camp site, we'll bathe! lol. screw this place!
cyeo tried smiling at
5:23 PM
day 2: Morning
A warrior knows that his best teachers are the people with whom he shares the battlefield.
It is dangerous to ask for advice. it is even more dangerous to give advice. when whe needs help, he tires to see how his friends resolve, or fail to resolve, their problems.
If he is in search of inspiration, he reads on the lips of his neighbour the words that his guardian angel is trying to say to him.
When he is tired or lonely, he does not dream about distant men or women; he turns to the person beside him and shares his sorrows or his need for affection with them - with pleasure and without guilt.
A warrior knows that the farthest - flung start in the euniverse reveals itself in the things around him.
from: the warrior of light
day 3: Morning
The warrior knows that no man is an island.
He cannot fight alone. whatever his plan, he depends on other people. he needs to discuss his strategy, to ask for help, and - in moments of relaxation - to have someone with whom he can sit by the fire, someone he can regale with tales of battle.
But he does not allow people to confuse this camaraderie with insecrurity. he is transparent in his actions and secretive in his plans.
A warrior of light dances with his companions, but does not places the responsibility for his actions on anyone else.
from: the warrior of light
2 more days to end of camp
6 more days to NAG
6 more days to supp class
6 more days to POTC
7 more days to MEP camp
wew're watching the sunrise by the jetty now... trying to reemember everything we did yesterday....
we saved some guy from the Alpes (some mountain)... something like not stepping on the ground and we move around on logs to rescue this guy to the other side... fell twice... sry guys... caused the whole team to restart. =X sighs. lol. wwent to camp 1... (we were at camp 2 originally). we dd the tryst fall... found out that i trust ppl damn easily... is this good? lol. did the Z wall climbing with roro... freaking HIGH! roro is scared of heights... so am i... lol! wew just went up theere and screamed @ each other the whole time upwards about random stuff... =) nice going fwend! we made it up to the top! =) lunch was good... so was dinner... 20 packets of maggie for a group of 15 ppl... lol! roro and i wewre eaeting the huge stuffs they dropped on the ground. lol! just dont like to waste stuff? lalala.
today we're setting off for a 2 day 1 night xpidition... row boat = 4km, tracking, built tent (shiit last night tent flooded due to rain!) ahhhhwells! knee managed to survivee so far... we're the best! lol! rowing back tmr. den the day after next is end of camp! yay!!! missing everyone at home~ no tan yet.. =\
cyeo tried smiling at
5:06 PM
OMG YAY IM BACK! missed me?! lol! of cos u did... lalalala. hmm... so... i was in obs for 5 days... yupps! haha i didnt think that wee would actually blog for me! omg! lol! wee u rock! and mc y i not here den u come arh? ..... nice. thanks wee! thank you dad for the message! lol! lalala~ so, we sort of wrote journals everyday... yeps! so im gonna post them!day 1: Morning
The warrior of light sometimes behaves like water, flowing around the obstacles he encounters.
Occasionally, resusting might mean being destroyed, and so he adapts to the cwircumstances. he accepts without complaint that the stones along the path hinder his way across the mountains.
Therein lies the strength of water. it cannot be shattered by a hammer or wounded by a knife. the strongest sword in the world cannot scar its surface.
the waters of a river adapt themselves to wadever route proves possible, but the river never forgets its one objective - the sea. so fragile at its sourcem it gradually gathers the strength of the eotheer rivers it encounters.
And after a certain point, its power is absolute.
from: the warrior of light
21/54 more days to end of camp8 more days to NAG8 more days to supp class8 more days to POTC9 more days to MEP camp=) / =(day 1: Nightkayaking today... dead jellyfish on shore... the tenticals kena cut off... poor guy. kena trama... anyways. yes uncle bi we know u didnt kill it! =) (uncle bi is our OBS instructor. he's nice! ^^) no sun burn!! yet? lol! gard work... i wanna go home? or do i? hmm.... =\ lol! stars up in the sky, more than i'll ever see. super super superrr nice!!! we're all sitting on a floating pontone (?) writing this. something like a super strong big raft connected to the jetty... dinner rocked! very little food. roro was eating off the ground. rice was hard. cyeo ate the burnt leftover. lol! this camp rocks... =\ spore is just opposite this place and we cacn actually see the lights and shore from there... one day! four more to go...
cyeo tried smiling at
4:31 PM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
yay! lan was fun! as usual.. last post of my life? haha cherrys bak
tmr!! yayy!! no nid to blog anymore hahahaha tmr got 4 ptms yayyy. gg~~~. hahaha dunno whether will tio comp ban or nots. tonite mite be the last night for mi to use comp!! yeah!! well... c ya all!!
cyeo tried smiling at
8:34 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
oh shit its passed my this weeks bed time le lolx. sigh.. ran out of things to blog.. my lifes boring.. all i could rmb of today was lan... dumb spa made mi miss training so i decided to go lan ( in case some ppl think i purposely pon training) friday i cannot go oso... someone help mi explain to ronney! i got ptm at 4.30 o.o how 2 go for training arhhxx. my cca attendence is gonna be shit... sighh.. going to go sleep soon..
cyeo tried smiling at
9:30 PM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
lol~ 1 post per day.. thats wad she said.. i think...
Hi again!! its tuesday... still a long way to go... CHERRY! COME BAK QUIK!! its getting veri boring on msn~ im lyke sleeping at 9 everyday coz i got no one to tok to?! btw.. i got last in class! oh shit. hahahaha i tink i won mc o.o yay!! how about cancelling the bet.. im trying to keep ur blog alive for 5 days u noe~lalala.
3 more dayss yayy
cyeo tried smiling at
8:11 PM
Monday, May 21, 2007
wee doesnt keep a blog but since cherry wants mi to do this i shall.
Hello~ wee has officially taken over this blog for 5 days.. while cherry is away~ i dunno wad i should post but i dont wan her coming back and throwing stuff- ahem
umbrellasahem- at mi. First day of cherry at obs! wee is bored!wad am i to do for the rest of the nite ohmann. btw.. cherry! i went to check out bukit timah lan today ahaha. ps wee doesnt noe how 2 change dat thingy below this post lalala~ wee juz used a blog for the first time in his life today =))
cyeo tried smiling at
7:44 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
yay! i got more picts again!! lalala~
this was that time me and val went sakae to eat... VAL U OWE ME 16 BUCKS! lalala~ hmm.. val was like... nxt time we just look at pict den dun need eat liao. so she took this. lol!! hmm.. maybe nxt time we just stand outside sakae and smell and look at pict can already okay? lol!!
hmm... this is wasabe? yea... very trama for me... lol~ cos SOMEONE that time said if i ate this wholeeee pile of wasabe den he would pay for us. so i did. but thanks for the meal! lol~ lalala. wasabe is good...
this is... uh... val and i? hahaha we got scolded for taking pics... lalala~ we look cool rite?! lol~ right. hmm... we didnt buy them tho. lol!
frm right to left its val, me then isabel. lol! we kept playing around with reflections.. lalalala! this was at wisma. uh. on concert day. yea! bloody taxi driver drove us round and round and round. den charge us so ex. moron. ohwells!~ lalala. we're all in heels other than isabel... so... yea we're freaking tall.
yep! val's cam is really handy... haha. us again playing with reflections... uh... the escalater thingy... yea!! hahaha~ hmm... noticed we're wearing exactly the same thing other than the colour? haha~ we're dueting!
frm right to left, my wallet, the wallet on display in the shop, val's wallet. yep. we even haff the same wallet with the same picture inside. hahaha! cool rite? no we're not obsessed oveer each other. its just that so happens two different ppl gave us the same wallet. ohwells~!
hmm... this is during concert. yea... who knew we could look formal? (no one.) hmm... tats roro! 5th frm the right. haha. chelschels and sandra on her left and nat on her right. yupps yupps! see!!! roro the skirt compared to others so SHORT! and the slit at the side SO HIGH! omg sexy! lol!!! hahahahaha! guess who bought the skirt? hahaha! val was the model. lalalala~! chill roro it wwasnt that bad... couldnt tell at all that u stopped? relax! u did well considering u were uh... refusing to play? yea... chill girl its over! cyeo lend u shoe nxt time okay? ^^
hmm. this is uh... finale? yea we sang somewhere out there. we were SUPER SOFT! hahahaha~ im the second one at the back in red... notice how high the heels are... roro is in green infront of me... valval is ALLLLLLLLLLL the way at the other side. lol!
its's kinda blur but it'll haff to do... ohwells! lol. this not all of us. but... some? lol! concert ended. it seems that ms tsien wanted to be included in the pict... (woman walking in pict at in the back of the pict.) lol!! yepps. it was... well.. fun i guess... hmm.. not much stage fright.. thanks for praying. lalala~ hmm... i guess everyone was quite... pissed after they played or even during we played. i think i said shiit 2 times... or wassit 3? hmm... but... we got oveer it ya..? or at least trying to geet over it... haha. i guess... yea we could haff done much better but. over ler? ohwells? lol! heck mep concert. haha! NO FAIR VAL GOT FLOWERS OKAY! lol! thanks for the flowers deanna! lol!hmm... no more heels for me. none. blisters like shiit. lol! and bruise leh! omg. lol!! i was kel's height la! hahaha. sorry val for not following u home cos... well, didnt want to spoil ur alone time rite? lOl. hmm. uh. thanks m/t for offering to take my bag? lol! it wasnt heavy anyway. hmm... yea. sry wee for screaming at u on the fone? LOL okay maybe u deserved it. U DIDNT WANT TO COME SCREW U! lol! lalalala~ nvm pang seh u for one week.well. yea my mum was uh... IS angry at me cos i didnt tell me parents were invited and she was asked to go. hahaha! ohwells? she very xiao qi. lol! hmm. i just realised today that she is really obviously damn biased towards my bro. RIGHT KOR!? yea... ohwells.i'll post up duet picts when i get them... yea... VAL! SEND TO ME! lol! lalalala. hope ppl who went enjoyed the concert... yea... well its is only for kel since he's the only one who went.... lol!tmr obs ler. i think im gonna pass my blog over to wee for the five days im away. lol! at least i hope there will be some postings going on... lol!!! yepps. okay wee doesnt want. lol! who wants to offer to help me blog for the next 5 days?! if not then this blog will be very very very dead. lol! lalalala. any offers?well.. val and roro blogged about mep concert too... and val also blogged about our sakae trip at westmall... (i think she mentioned my name 6 times in her post.) yea... ADVERTISTMENT ON CYEO'S BLOG TO GO TO RORO AND VAL'S BLOG! now the both of u owe me 428 bucks for the advert. ^^
cyeo tried smiling at
1:11 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
lalala~ tomorrow is dday... shiit. val and i seem to haff stage fright... seriously... we cant even play our piano pieces infront of the class how are we supposed to pluck strings infront of an audience?! shiits. haha we need people to pray for us!!! ALOT of people... lol!
hmm... lets see...
shirt - $17
black pants - $39
ear rings - $19 (val paid)
shoes - mum bought
sakae sushi - $33 (uh... hehe...)
lol! ohwells. today is sort of the last day of our sch day... ahhwells... next week is obs... dun miss me!! lol!!! ohwells. hmm... i haffent packed. shiit. lol! ohwells... ahhh... im really really reallllllyyyy very worried about tmr... lol! i think... tmr cannot pluck strings proper liao... its like... tat day play piano hands shake like shiit... denn... cannot do scales proper... damn shiit. howhowhowhow?!?! oh nooooo... val we're screwed!!! arghs.
roro u owe me... 50 + 29 = 79. ahh lets just round it up. 80 bucks. lol!! hahaha ohwells. sighs...
hmm.. im gonna go try on my outfit now... lol!!! hope it suits... HECK! ded.
cyeo tried smiling at
8:09 PM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
ftw. nice one. just kena screwed by parents. kena scolded cos of results. mum sees english scores: "SEE! I TOLD U TWO YRS AGO THAT I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN U ENGLISH TUITION! YOU DUN WAN TO LISTEN TO ME! LOOK AT HOW BAD UR RESULTS ARE... blablabla" yea... dad sees english score: "aye? why ur language score so bad?" thats all. -.- nice.
Mum sees maths scores: "at least its As." dad sees maths score: "WAD!? 76 FOR EMATHS?! CHERYL Y U DO SO BADLY?! THE HIGHEST IS 92 LEH! AND LOOK AT UR AMATHS SCORE! 81! HOW CAN?!"
this is damn moronic. sighs. dad says with this kinda score im not even allowed to leave the house. sighs. jail. no wait. WORST THAN JAIL. at least jail u get fwends in the same room. sighs. yea sure i haff the com and tv. but if i sit heree any longer than normal im just gonna have to amputate my leg or sumthing due to blood clot becos nv move or sumthing. sighs.
~you really noe how to cheer one up just by not doing anything rite? :)
cyeo tried smiling at
9:23 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
sighs. im trying reaaaal hard to go high here. sian. sighs. fine. all zao. fine. nvm. back to being alone. thats why im blogging i guess... sighs. there's really nth to do. and no one to tok to. sighs.things to do:english report on the prefect.bao zhang bao daocheck on glaciersget mum to sign prog reportget her to write cheque for bowling camp feeget sec 3 bowlers to pay me 3.50 eachfind a job for june hols. hols schdule:21st-25th May-OBS camp (haff fun alone wee)
28th may-a maths supp 8-10am-english supp 10:30-12:30pm-NAG 4pm-Shannen's bday
29th may-Mep camp 8am-5pm-NAG 4pm-Uncle John's bday
30th may-e maths 8-10am-chem 10:30-12:30pm-MEP camp 8am-5pm-NAG 4pm-Sonic fest
31th may-VESAK DAY-NAG 4pm
1st June-Physic supp 8-10am-Vi off to church camp 9am-5pm until 2nd june
3rd June-RORO to Korea till 14th-Val to church camp till 5th
4th June-dad's bday
11th-13th June-Wee to bowling camp
15th June-youth concert (i've got 4 tics 5 bucks each.)
18th June-Tau's bday
21th-23th June-Bowling camp-RORO to Penang for X-change prog.
yea thats about it. larhs. actually i just tot of why WEE IS PANGSEHING ME SO OFTEN. haha cos i'll be pangsehing him 5 days straight during obs. haff fun wee! =) hmm. val we need to practice summore... yea...who wan go work with me at i dunno where? =\sighs i haffent been updating that often haff i? lol. ahhwells. lets see. wad happened... ohyea! sorry RORO for pangsehing u at the road on tues. lol!! =\ dont blame me blame the person who called at that time. ^^yay! roro, val and i are going new delhi! larhs. lalala~emaths test was dumb. triangles and quads in circles. and i was drawing circles in the triangles. sighs. den mep test. damn nice. i wrote a name of the drum and said sumthing like "this instrument is strummed and has three strings attached to a wooden body." -.- week is val and my turn to play during class during mep. sian. all the proded ppl finished already. play all the 3 mins songs. thats the time limit we're supposed to play. val and i haff to play 2 pieces. not pro enuff. sighs. no worries right val? lets just be sucky ppl together. sighs.~somewhere out there, beneath the pale moon light.someone's thinking of me, and loving me tonight.somewhere out there, someone's saying a pray.that we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there...
and even though i noe how very far apart we helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star.and when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby,it helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.
somewhere out there, if love can see us through.
then we'll be together, somewhere out there,
out where dreams, come true...
cyeo tried smiling at
2:11 PM
Sunday, May 06, 2007
yay. i just snapped my leg while swimming. gg. who wants to buy me a knee for my bday?! i swear i'll love u! ._.
cyeo tried smiling at
7:17 PM
lalalala~ since ppl are complaining that i nv update... I SHALL. hahas~ ahhh this week's been a moron. lallaa. screw results. ppl are getting single digit. im like.. L1R5 20 pnts? i rock. (beat that wee!) hahaha~ hmmm. 2 As, 2Bs, 2Cs, 2Ds. hahaha im the best lor. and the only thing i mugged for (yesyees cyeo muggs.) i failed. wth rite? hahaha im never mugging ever again!!! ._. hahas.
so, we played guitar for ms tsien (val and I) <--[ im using proper english here! i got c5 for english! i rock! hahaha~] she said sumthing like... uh... the mid section was abit too... plain... hahaha cos val and i (proper english used again) took out all the chords and played single melody.. ahhaha dun tell her =X hmms.. but yea val. we need practice more!! haha. and she said we had to play either on acustic or classical guitar. but dunno val cant play on classical and i cant play on acustic. is that how u spell acustic anyway? hahaha~ ohwells. hmm. but val being the NICER of the two of us si shen xiao wo to wan chen da wo (chinese teacher would be so proud of me. oh yea i FAILED chinese.) haha thanks val. i teach u the tempo okay? heck ms tsien. screw rhythm.
hmm... i learnt something this week... that theres no such word as revalant. its relavant (did i spell it correctly? ahh screw spelling as long understand can ler rite? lol!) yea! thanks to RORO and Cloud. lalala~
hmm.. friday i went for the ACSI MEP concert... yea... it was nice~!! hmm... my bro performed INVOKE frm gundam seed. with Ying Hao... yea... hahaha i went with roro but met Yi Hui there. hahaha yeps. hmm. put some picts.
matthew playing glasgow kiss on the electric guitar in his popeye tee shirt TUCKED IN! hahaha~ he pulled it out at some point of time. heh. he moved too much so its not my fault i cant geet a good shot.

hmm. this is me and my bro... uh? lol! we tried tricking ppl that we were girlfwend and boyfwend but no one really believed cos we look kinda alike. hahahaha!

this is... RORO! hahaha yeps! she's wearing MY ring!! and u haffent return me yet!!! hahah yea thats me and caro the wedding ring... hahaha the one im wearing is frm jia xin... sorry char not my fault i lost my wallet with u ring in it. I PROMISE I'LL FIND IT!!!

this is.. Yi Hui. or janice. up to u. lol! yepps! at least she didnt pangseh me just to sit with one of her guyfriends! hahaha~! yepps.
hmm. yea the concert was nice... ended with phantom of the opera.. hahah no wait. there was the retarded guy dancing and sining on stage... hahaha! ohwells!!! its nice oveerall.. hmm. hope our concert is successfull too.. and hope me and val get in! haha! today is 6th may!! hehes i noe wads happening today!!! =))) lalalala~
cyeo tried smiling at
4:59 PM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
i wanna just...sit under a running waterfall...and just...not all...roro bring me okay?we sit undersuntec's fountain of wealthand just.stone.and.not almost failing english...amazing rite?nah its expected.the songs on my com getting boring...anyone want send me songs?kel... OO.. is not cheering me up
cyeo tried smiling at
10:10 PM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
you: really... im really sorry... i noe i sux now but... dont be angry at me pleease. i really dunno wad to do. i really just hope... that... we'll go back to normal? any chance? ._. i noe i really did a wrong move this time but... just... dont be angry at me and just talk to me can?
caro: hey u... chill okay? dont be scared. im sorry for adding on to u... yea... cheer up okay? whatever is it (even if its me) you have me okay? yea... iloveyoucaro.
kel: kelvin!! yea... sorry for dragging u into things... sorry... but... thanks alot for the help too... yea... i wont drag u nxt time okay? yea sorry._.
val: val.. sorry for.. well... frustrating on u... yea im sorry if u got offended if i said anything wrong. sry. yea. wad ever it is... cheer upp okay? and.. hope u get well soon. hope u're eating. yea...
wee: weeeeeeee!!! hahas... im sorry for... well... making u carry burdens u dun usually haff to carry... i wont ler okay? haha. yep. we'll just go high together! okok? and u still owe me a rematch in battledome. yea... we'll play the same song at thee same time okay??! yea! OO..!!! yeea wee.. thanks for helping lots. u rock. and. REMEMBER OUR DEAL! about the fire? yea u better. iloveyouwee.
gerald: GERALD! I PASSED PHYSICS! ONCE AGAIN, U ROCK! YAY! (but wee's still going to throw u in anyway... ^^)
jiaxin: JIA!! we're going to die on thursday! hope we dun die frm nervousness. really. i think i got stage fright leh? we're doomed!!! gg.
i think my emotions are getting the better of me... i think im not thinking before im acting. wtf have i been doing. this is not supposed to happen. im supposed to make you people smile. i'll never do it again. im sorry.
cyeo tried smiling at
9:57 PM