Saturday, March 07, 2009
i'm dedicating this post to you dad.

it's fun to meet new people. this is 1SB4 playing around in an empty LT4! funness.
haha i'm like... looking back at the things that happened in the past and realised some of the people who i dont really think to be thankful for are like... the most valuable people. you know who i'm refering to... ^^
think about the people who caused us to meet in the first place. i think you know who i'm refering to dad! heeeeheeees.
sometimes i think about what happened within the past 5 years of my life and like... regret some of the choices i've made but in the end those choices are the biggest IMPACT for the good things that are happening NOW. OHWELLS.
damned i feel cheated.
playing HTG sucks!!!
i'll remember those times because i never want to return to them.
cyeo tried smiling at
10:36 PM
Thursday, March 05, 2009

back left to right: issac, elim, siyu, eugene bryan, jarrell, yingwee, jianloon, ming rui, yang chen, ian.
front left to right: xue qiao, nazril, me, zhiyun.
ACJC! yeah i got in. wth right? val you should have tried. ohwells. anyways, i got into a class! (yeah they didnt misplace my name this time.) 1SB4! this issnt the whole class cos the rest were off somewhere. but OHWELLS!
i found out that bryan is my mum's friend's son. it's damn coincidential! it's like... you dont meet for 10+ years then u see the person again. ._.
i guess i've sort of gotten used to AC... JJ was FUN but yeah well... I MISS YOU ALL!!! Jonyap and i went down to JJ a few weeks or something ago... we got
okay anyways, yeah we went down to like... cam whore with people and like say hi. got water bombs thrown at us and like... haha we went for Movie Under The Stars WET.

left to right: meibin, me, nat. i seriously didnt know they were wet when they hugged me. URGHS.

left to right: me, damien (our dancer OGL), jonyap. they were all soapy and retarded! somehow it was like all our OG people got like... hypnotised or something. they were all so high and like... cheering... HAHA OHWELLS.
anyways after that i went for MUTS with like... Satay's and Ting's OG.

left to right: ben, nick, ting, huanny, me, jo-ann, eugene.
we sort of played truth or dare before that... the dares were interesting... HEEHEES........

ro, domo and i. anyways, now everymorning is like... wake at 515, leave house at 550, reach sch by 7. WE HAVE A 74 BUS GANG! hahaha!
mervyn and i camwhoring at the busstop. HAHA. both of us get on at mcritchie then ro gets on at hwa chong. satay and ting gets on at KAP and then we make alot of noise. ALOT.
(mervyn is retarded. just cos satay and i were talking bad about him across him he shouted 'TIEW TIEW' in the bus. then there was this silence where EVERYONE looked at us.)

caro took this pict! it's damn cool! the guy behind is like... drinking it. HAHA. it's a good advert pict.

left to right: ian, mingrui, me, siyu, wenhui, eugene, jarrell.
fire drills are the most useful time to camwhore! HAHA. crap i just heard that our form teacher is gonna post picts of us cam whoring under the umbrella during fire drill on the AC website. WE'RE SCREWED. HAHA OHWELLS. people all over were like... sitting on the grass with an umbrella over them. it was a good fire drill.
i ponned fell sick today. got an mc for pe for the next week and slept from like... 8am to 6pm. tutorials suck are useful in helping us understand our work. must not do tutorials! omg got damn alot to do!!! crap.
i've gotten lost in physics already. chem's still fine. math is... i think i know. econs is like... let's say i know as much about econs as i did 16 years ago. crappy.
i wanted to go for training today but my dad didn't allow.
thanks for everything you did cos i couldnt.
revelations. shock. then you'll learn to be thankful.
cyeo tried smiling at
6:55 PM